I'll Never Be Lonely Again- Nu voi mai fi singur nicicand -Translation
Autor: Alexandru Marius  |  Album: Traduceri  |  Tematica: Diverse
Resursa adaugata de mariusalex in 01/11/2016
Nu voi mai fi singur nicicand

Zile lungi, nopti pustii,
Singur mereu
Si n-am pe nimeni,
Nimeni al meu.
Dar o voce lin mi-a soptit;
“Eu iti promit,
Voi fi cu tine,
In orice zile
Pan’ la sfarsit.”

Nu voi mai fi singur nicicand
Singur nicicand,
Eu i-am deschis azi
Usa Lui Isus.
Lacrima-i stearsa
Frica-i uitata
Nu voi mai fi singur nicicand,
Singur nicicand.

Frate scump, de-ti doresti
Un prieten drag,
Isus e-acolo
Te-asteapta-n prag.
Pe toti, la fel iubeste,
Prietenul meu
Nicicand nu te lasa
Nici paraseste
Cand ti-este greu.

traducere libera a cantarii "I'll Never Be Lonely Again" Marius Alexandru

I'll Never Be Lonely Again
By Audrey Meier

Verse 1
Lonely days and lonely nights,
Filled with despair,
Caused me to long for
Someone to care;
Then I heard Christ say to me;
“This promise I’ve made:
Lo! I am with you
Now and forever,
Be not afraid.”

I’ll never be lonely again,
Never again,
For I have opened
My heart’s door to Him.
So I’ll brush away the tears
And forget my
Foolish fears
I’ll never be lonely again,
Never again.

Verse 2
If you’re longing for a friend,
Loving and true,
Turn to the Savior
He waits for you;
He will do the same for you
As He did for me;
He’ll never leave you,
Never forsake you,
Trust Him and see.


An inspired poem of solitude and hope in the promise of the Lord: "Lonely days and lonely nights,
Filled with despair,/Caused me to long for/Someone to car..." Sincere congratulations.
Adăugat în 01/11/2016 de marin2016
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